Thursday, February 21, 2013

You Know You're Pregnant When...

... you're sitting in front of your computer watching a Christmas episode of Ellen on crazed repeat, even though it's February, where Blake Shelton and Christina Aguilera are singing a song together, and sobbing your eyes out while trying to draw a new wall hanging for your baby, but you can't see because you're crying too hard so the trunk of the elephant you're drawing keeps looking like very inappropriate baby art involving a very curvy dildo attached to a hippo.  Then you start crying more because you do not want to put bad porn-art on your baby's wall, you want cute baby art, but then the song ends and you have to replay it to fill your soul, and suddenly you're crying again, and AGAIN the elephant does not look like an elephant, so you stick a bunch of chocolate Dove caramels in your mouth and repeat the whole process, lip syncing along with with Christina and Blake with a mouth full of chocolate and tears.


What's that?

You want to see the video?  Well, I certainly am not going to deprive you of the joy/heartbreak!

You know how else you know you're pregnant?

When you look like this:

27 Weeks!

Oh yeah, I cut my hair.  Because that's what I do when I'm pregnant.  I cut off all of my hair and then I feel awkward for a year until it grows out.  I don't know what I do that.  It's like self-medicating with  a haircut to ensure I won't feel sexy for a long time, and thus will wait before having another child for a while.  Hair control.

Also, my mom or Josh (I get them confused) thinks it's very weird/possibly unhealthy that I listen to so many sad songs while I'm pregnant.  With Adeline I had Adele and Mumford and Sons on repeat.  With this one I have Adele and Mumford and Sons and Christina Aguilera on repeat.  So at least she's getting a little more variety.

Adeline came out extremely happy, so I am not worried.  Plus happy songs make me feel enraged, whereas melancholy songs make me feel good.  There are some synapses off up on here.

Oh yeah, did I mention it's another girl!!!  I don't think I did!  I've been too busy crying at Youtube!  Baby Girl #2!  

Oh the hormones this house will have!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
