Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Monday

It's snowing like crazy again and I'm sick, which makes me want to cry all day because pregnant + sick + no medications = sad mama.

But then this little sucker comes over to me with this little smile and my world is good again.

I mean, c'mon.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Snow Days

I know I've said this before, but driving in the snow is the scariest thing in the world to me.

Lucky for me it snows here nine months a year.

Even luckier, my car is not a Jetson car.

I hope you're picking up on my sarcasm here, because I'm laying it on pretty thick.

Anyway, it snowed buckets yesterday.  And I drove a lot.  And everything was totally cool.  Until two cars hit a school bus right in front of me.  Everyone was ok, the hit in such slow motion it was more like a nudge, but it still scared the crap out of me.

I guess I can't complain, LA drivers are way worse in totally perfect conditions than Bozeman drivers in apocalypse-type conditions on a daily basis. Conclusion: Everyone in California is stoned at all times.

(according to my faux-father-in-law anyway)

Bonus conclusion: I've lived in Bozeman long enough now to know there are probably more stoned people here per capita than there are in LA.

Double bonus conclusion: Most people here are super friendly.

Triple bonus conclusion: I love Reese's peanut butter christmas trees.  That has nothing to do with it, except that I'm pregnant and hungry.

17 weeks!  

Why's it so pointy?  It's like I'm gonna give birth to a spaceship.

The really good thing about all the snow yesterday is that this morning was GORGEOUS.  I mean, just ding-dong beautiful.  

Unfortunately, it was too cold for me to get really good shots this morning, but here's a small example of what it was like at the park a block from our house.

Adeline's in that stroller fogging it up and chatting to herself about snow and balls.  Not snowballs.  Two separate thing.  She's very specific.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Morning Sickness

I didn't write about my first trimester last time because I started the blog well into my second trimester and didn't like to recall such things.

This time around was no different, however, I feel like I need to address it a little to let others know they're not alone.  Also, as my sister puts it, to warn others.  "Warn" is a harsh word, Becky is very dramatic.  Although Josh did say the first trimester this time was "horrible" and that he was "miserable" and "never wanted to do this again".  And then we broke up because I was throwing too many pots and pans at his head due to the fact that I was actually the one going through all the sickness not him.

Kidding.  We did not break up.  But, to be fair we could have.  What with all the pots and pans throwing and all.

Not everyone gets morning/all day sickness, and those people are very lucky.  I was not so lucky.  Right about five and a half weeks it hit, and it hit me with a sledgehammer.  Nausea and exhaustion so bad I could barely eat anything, which is the horrible part of it because you need to eat so you're not so sick but you can't eat because you're so sick and suddenly you're puking in your car on the way home from swim class in the McDonald's drive-thru.

Luckily a prescription for Zofran took the edge off for a little while, but even then after a few weeks it didn't really work and I was back to puking in my car in various drive-thru's.

And then, just when I thought I wasn't going to make it, and Josh thought he wasn't going to make it (because honestly, dealing with a puking lunatic for two months isn't so fun), the clouds parted and the placenta took over the hormone making, and TA-DA!  NORMAL HUMAN AGAIN!

And now I'm starting to forget those months (joys of pregnancy brain) and suddenly I start thinking, "Hey that wasn't so bad!  We should definitely have a third!  And a fourth!  AND SEVEN HUNDRED MORE BABIES!"

Which is why I'm writing this.  To remind myself it wasn't all daisies and popcorn, it was pretty sucky in the beginning.   But that doesn't mean it isn't all worth it.  Because it is.

Oh my gosh it so is.

Worth it.

Worth it.

Even worth it in a hammock.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Reading Time!

In this video Adeline teaches us all how to properly read a book!

Complete with commentary!

(If for some reason it doesn't load, just click on the youtube button at the bottom of the video and you can see it there!)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Breaking Back

I just sent out a questionable email to all the mom's involved in my mom's group that involved the words "light porn".  Most of them don't know me, so I'm sure that'll go over well.

In other news, I've made great strides in maturing now that I'm going to be a mother of two!


Sorry.  That was my head hitting the desk as I fainted to the floor.  Mother of two?!  Shut the fuck door.

You might as well tell me I'm in my mid-thirties now.


Mid-thirties.  Try just barely grazing three decades.  Like, yeah, I'm here, but I just have my toes dipped in, ok.  I'm like wading in the shallow end or the tri's.  Good thing I have the body of a just barely thirty year old, and the mind of a twelve year old.  Boy. Or I'd be real sad right about now.

Don't be sad, I'm too cute.

Well, by body of a thirty year old I mean ninety.  I threw my back out this weekend and could not stand up straight.  Like could not even if you paid me too.  I always thought people with back problems were big babies, turns out - I owe a lot of people a lot of apologies. And possibly some small children.  My friend who wore a neck brace though on the first day of eighth grade? She does not get an apology.  She was clearly just trying to get attention, I don't care how hard that car hit her.

The good news is I can take muscle relaxers!  The bad news, I can't take them because I'm too scared to.  In High School I secretly wished I was cool enough to have a drug problem, but I was too afraid I'd be the girl who tried uppers and then died in gym class from skipping rope too hard.  There's no use trying to start a drug habit if you're just gonna die a week later.  That so wouldn't be worth it.

I couldn't even take the Vicodin they gave me after I had my wisdom teeth pulled because I was afraid I'd become addicted and start snorting it and then I'd never be able to score over a 900 on my SATs I had to take the next week, even though the idea of being a drug-addled teen was exciting in a I-could-go-on-Oprah-and-tell-my-story-to-the-world-about-how-I-recovered-with-the-help-of-Jesus-and-smokes-because-people-in-rehab-are-always-smoking-and-what-is-that-about-I-mean-it's-rehab-people!-smoking-kills-more-people-a-year-than-anything-else-or-maybe-that's-heart-disease-but-I'll-bet-Oprah-could-clear-it-up-during-our-interview sort of a way, I just couldn't do it.  That, and Vicodin makes me puke.  Good thing I didn't really know about wine back then or I probably would have been pregnant waaaaaay earlier than my 30s.

But then I wouldn't have this little chubby chub!
(Addie's reorganizing and I'm apparently taking a kneeling nap)

On an unrelated note it's Christmas-y here!  Yay!  

Anyway, my Mom is gonna be really proud about this post.  And I don't say that facetiously.  I say it because she knew I had a wanderlust for wishing I was a little darker than I actually ever had the guts or (lackof)brains to be, and she steered me clear of all that daydreaming and right into the proud woman I am today. Thanks Mom.  I could have been on Oprah.

Some kids dream of being an astronaut and some kids dream of being in rehab.  Don't judge.  I turned out just fine and I'm pretty sure some of the astronaut kids are in jail right now.  I've never even had a cavity.