Wednesday, December 10, 2014

33 Weeks!

According to Baby Center that means they're about the size of pineapples.  Yeah, that's pretty much how it feels.  

33 Weeks!

I saw the doctor yesterday and they said I'm the last of their ladies pregnant with twins, all the others have had their babies, the longest one holding on til 35 weeks.  THAT'S A WEEK AND A HALF A WAY PEOPLE!  

Cue tiny brain explosion.

But then the nurse (so sweet) told me she thought I had the body type to hold these suckers in, so that is what's happening.  Also, Josh is going to take over cleaning the bathrooms because I told him cleaning products have been known to put women into early labor.  Man, that guy will believe everything!  I should have gone bigger!  Oh honey, I can't shave my legs because razors have a special metal in them that if touched can cause your water to break, could you do it for me?  Or, Hey love, do you think you could just give me an hour long massage three times a day? It'll help relax my uterus.

33 Weeks and 3 days.  I grow by the second people.  Also, that's not a maternity sweater, but I already had it on before I heard the tearing of stitches and permanent stretching out of fabric, so, it's forever - That Sweater I Wore One Day I Was Super Pregnant That Tula Rubbed Chocolate On Immediately Even Though She Wasn't Eating Chocolate Nor Did I Find Any Anywhere, Dear Lord I Hope It Wasn't Poop

Also, for comparison, I found this picture of when I was 38 weeks with Tula.  I mean.  I don't even look pregnant compared to this time.

38 weeks with Tula!

Sorry, not much to say right now.  I'm so tired I have about enough energy to open my Reese's Peanut Butter Christmas Trees and then eat them.  Sometimes I don't even have the energy to eat them and I wake up to the sound of Boris licking his chops after devouring the poisonous chocolate.

Addie found a new bff at the Christmas Stroll!

And Grandpa helped her out so she could see Santa.  

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