Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sciatic Nerve I'm So Sorry I Never Bought You Flowers

'Member when I thought I pulled a muscle in my butt and that's why I was limping all crazy like?

Well, it turns out I didn't.  Instead the baby and/or my uterus is squashing my much beloved sciatic nerve (well, previously un-cared-about sciatic nerve, but now that I know what it feels like when it's being strangled I can assure you, it's best to go back in time and tell your sciatic nerve how much you love it, you love it so much you wanna bake it brownies and send it little notes through your other classmates folded in the shape of a heart, or an arrow because I never really mastered the heart-folding, but I was super good at the arrow).

And when your sciatic nerve is being choked your butt sends a searing, shooting pain from your very lower back to your foot making it impossible to walk like a normal person, which is cool because who needs to walk?  A mother of a one and a half year old?  F that. Walking is for spoiled people.  Try cleaning your house on all fours.  Or folding laundry while lying on three heating pads.  Or chasing after your daughter by sitting on her toy stroller and wheeling yourself at an unbelievably slow pace while yelling, "Addie, get back here with that knife right now!" all the while she's running faster than lightning, and giggling her head off because, hey!, mommy's crippled - WHAT A FUN GAME!

So, now I get to wear a belly band and go to physical therapy for a while, which is exciting.  I love slings that HOLD UP YOUR BELLY.  I wish they had something like that for my boobs.

Super stoked about my belly band.  Who wouldn't be?!

The really good news is that it's finally warming up around here.  I can't explain to you how much the sun makes everything better.  The fact that Adeline walks outside now and gets so excited because GRASS!  GRASS EVERYBODY! is awesome.  She would spend all day outside if I'd let her.  But I don't, because them floor ain't gonna mop themselves.

It's dead grass, but still, it's not a snow bed.

Just letting the baby get some Vitamin D.  Plus I want her to come out tan.

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