Tuesday, April 16, 2013

35.433333333 Weeks!

Not that I'm counting.

At 35 weeks the baby is the size of a canteloupe and is just getting bigger.  Which seems crazy!  I am definitely as big if not bigger than I was when Adeline was born.  The other day I took her in for a checkup and her pediatrician asked when I was due and when I told him he said, "Wow really?  Are you gaining enough weight?" And then I kissed him on the mouth.

With tongue.

And now we're married.

The only thing I can think is that because I'm tall it sort of hides the gigantic belly?  Like people are so thrown off by the sheer velocity of my person they don't notice the 30 pound bulge?  Or, maybe they don't want to get stabbed by a hormonal pregnant lady by mentioning how big I've gotten.  Either way, I'll take it.

Taking it.

In other news Adeline is becoming very sensitive.  After she spends her days chasing the dog around the house only to finally grab his tail and lift it up so she can point to his butthole and say, "Oh, ucky!" she'll find him resting somewhere and will lie down with him.  Because she doesn't want him to sleep alone.

After a day of tail grabbing and ucky-butt-ing.

Nigh nigh time.  Terrorizing is exhausting stuff.

Which is giving me a lot of hope for her and the new baby.  I mean if she's this sweet to the dog, just think about what'll be like when a new baby comes into the house and takes over her space!  JOY!

I did show her what breastfeeding was going to be like with one of her baby dolls the other day and she thought it was HILARIOUS.  Boobs?  On the baby's face?  More Mom!  More!  I breastfed the crap out of that doll.

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