Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Like Mother, Like Daughter

So my dad just sent me this photo of my mom pregnant with me and my twin sister.

Side by side I think we can agree on one thing - my mom was having twins? WHERE?

Me - 36 weeks.  My mom - 33 weeks.

She claims she looks so small because we were 7 weeks early.  This was hours before we were born.  But it's really only 3 weeks earlier than my picture and yet, she looks like she could go lead a yoga class, and then a tanning class.  Why is she so tan?  Oh, that's right, she lives in California where the sun always shines, not Montana where the sun shines in April but only a few hours before it hails.  

This combo might not be impressive to anyone but me, but it is so weird to see these side by sides because - that's my mom!  With me not even born yet.  And some day Adeline will look at pictures of me pregnant with her and she'll be all, "Yeah, I know mom.  I've read your blog a million times. Boring." And I'll be all, "We didn't have blogs when my mom was pregnant." And she'll be all, "You lived through the dark ages and had to walk uphill to school both ways, I know, I know." And I'll be all, "No internet was not the dark ages." And she'll be all, "How did you even watch tv?" And I'll be all, "ON THE TV." And she'll be all, "I didn't hear you, I just used my computer to answer the question and it got me an answer in .008 seconds.  Your answer took 30 seconds was shouty." And I'll be all, "I'LL GIVE YOU SHOUTY!"

Well, clearly I have some laying out to do before my hospital photo shoot.  If you need me, I'll be the pregnant girl in the bikini getting pelted by hail balls.

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