Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Phrases That Have Different Meanings In Your 30's, No. 174

"Hold on, I need to find my pants."

In my 20's if I would have said, "Hold on, I need to find my pants," it usually was because of some fun night of sexy stuff with someone I barely remember, and I was trying to pretend to find them but knew I probably didn't really need them anyway because I was about to get right back into bed.

But in my 30's? Not so much.

Now it's because I need to hide my insanely white booty from the neighbors, and to protect my legs from the one year olds that like to use me as a chew toy. If I have pants on at least I have a barrier between their teeth and my bare skin.

I yelled "Hold on, I need to find my pants," last night to my husband, but it was in no way sexy. No way at all. I was standing in the girls' room with no pants on because I'd just gotten back from a run and was halfway through taking my sweaty clothes off before I heard a crash and a gag which could mean someone broke something and then someone else is currently gagging on a broken shard of something, or it could just mean someone broke something because they're choking on something. Either way the outcomes are not good. So, I raced across the house pantsless to find a broken bedside lamp courtesy of Tula (the 4th in a year) and Henry gagging on a wad of newspaper. All in all not as terrible as it usually is.

20's - Sex.

30's - Naps at the movie theater because I can't stay awake past 9pm.

20's - Drinking til 3am, then waking up and going for a long run.

30's - Drinking some Emergen-C at 3pm and hoping the boost of Vitamin C doesn't keep me up past my 8:30pm bedtime.

20's - Reading a whole book in a day, then going out to dinner with friends.

30's - Eating leftover mac 'n cheese off the floor for dinner, then looking at my new book on the counter and just thinking, "I want to read you but I need to fold these socks."

20's - Moving across the country on a whim.

30's - Moving to the other couch because the other one is caked in day-old yogurt.

20's - Think I know what depression feels like.

30's - Deal with postpartum hormones and feel the world break apart.

20's - Think I've fallen in love a few major times.

30's - Have kids, know that I was an idiot in my 20's, truly, madly, deeply fall in love with four little kids. World is amazing.

So, yes. Things and phrases are different from decade to decade.

I'm cool with that. I like this decade.

I couldn't find the boys the other day, and then I heard some cooing from the bathroom. Guess who learned to climb into the cabinet!

Grant is so happy to be part of the girls!
Also, you can totally tell which two are mine because they don't stop eating for anything.

Lovin' up on Auntie Judy.

Me: Tula, that's beautiful! What is it?
Tula: A tent.
Me: A tent?
Tula: A tent for a dragon.

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