Thursday, February 11, 2016

Why Isn't It Open 24 Hours

Me: Oh man, I want to go to Target by myself.

Becky: You should try it.

Me: I bet I would do a whole lot less yelling.

Becky: Ha! I would hope so.

This photo has nothing to do with anything. He's just very, very nice to look at.
You're welcome.

You guys. I yell a lot at Target. Mainly because I usually have at least 3, but most often 4 kids with me, and only two of them will stay in the cart. The other two promise me, every single time they promise me, that they will be good listeners and stay with Mommy. And every time I am fooled! I am definitely the idiot in this scenario, but they are master manipulators of cuteness. 

Things start off well, but then about 13 seconds into the trip Tula runs, like hauls ass, down the aisles toward where she thinks the toys are. Luckily for me she's always wrong. That girl has no sense of direction. Or memory apparently. She's been to Target a billion times in her short life. Then Addie takes off in a different direction, because she actually knows where things are, and I stand there fully prepared to abandon the boys in the middle of the detergent section but trying to decide who to chase after first. 

Usually it's Tula, and while I'm running I start yelling, "ADELINE LEIGH! Get back here and watch your brothers!" And then the staff rolls their eyes at me for leaving my invisible 4 year old in charge of the babies. 

Then I spend the rest of the trip talking very sternly through gritted teeth that they better stay with me or I'll blah blah blah. No one listens to me. I still chase after them through the whole store. At least we get some exercise in. 

The amazing thing is I NEVER forget anything. I always get everything I came for, and about 20 things I didn't need but now cannot live without. Such is the pull of Target.

I've seen women with their kids all standing attentively next to them, never going so much as a pencil's length away from them. How do they do that? Am I not strict enough? That's probably a question for a different blog.

The answer is most likely, yes. 

But you try having four teeny tiny kids and see if you stick to your guns constantly and still are able to love.   I could be a warden all day, but then I'd be a warden all day. 

A blog for a different day!

1 comment:

  1. I would sooner NOT go to Target than take even one child with me. I don't know how you do it. Gina will take them both AND GET THE SLUSHIES. You two are sorceresses.
