Tuesday, September 2, 2014


So, I was just making lunch for everyone and the house got quiet for two whole minutes and I just took a deep breath and was like, "Oh this is so nice.  Maybe we're at the point where the kids playing quietly together and I can do things." and then I stepped outside of myself and slapped myself in the face.  Hard.

Because nothing good can come from a quiet Tula.  Addie was calmly rubbing peanut butter into the dog's fur, which was no big deal, but Tula I couldn't see so I ran around the house until I found her, and this is what I discovered happening:

Tula dipping her dad's board shorts into the toilet.
(Sorry honey!  Also, you need a new toothbrush.)

Now that she's been caught she dips even faster and with more glee.

Did I mention this was an unflushed toilet?

Addie thought the whole thing was hilarious.  And then went back to peanut buttering the dog.

Oh my gosh!  Also, have I mentioned how darling Addie is right now?  She has these amazing, weird little conversations with us and she's so polite (unless she's not - in which case she's practically on the verge of using the f word, dropping her mic and walking off stage), but like sometimes when I tuck her in at night she'll say, "Thanks so much for coming to say goodnight to me Mommy!"  as if I never do it?  It's so adorable that I end up crawling into bed and asking Josh if we should wake her up and bring her in with us.

"Don't you want a family bed?"

"What's that?"

"Like where all of us sleep in the same bed."

"Like all the time?"


". . ."

". . ."

"Absolutely not."

And he's right, but sometimes it seems like such a good idea!

The other day Addie was in one of her grateful and complimentary and happy with everything modes and Josh came back from a run and hopped into the shower while we were all doing things in the room and Addie casually walked past him and said, "Hey Dad, nice penis," and then kept on doing her thing.

Josh and I stared at each other and then giggled so hard.

Oh kids.  Keeping it classy.

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