Friday, September 12, 2014


So on Monday Addie started preschool!  Like, real, drop her off, pick her up later school!

We had orientation the previous Friday, and I just loved her teachers, but come Sunday night it was like I was the one going back to school again.  Jitters, and nervousness, and not sleeping, and waking up with the anxious-poops and Monday morning I jumped out of bed all high and squeaky, "Everything is going to be fine!!!!"  And Josh was all, "Why are you yelling, Minnie Mouse?  It's 5am."

For the record, I did not let her see me all crazy.  I put Tula down early Sunday night, and took a long bath with Addie, where we talked and played and she spent a lot of time telling me where the babies in my belly were and what they were doing.  It was really nice because we never get alone time.  So, anyway, to her I was calm as a cucumber.  To myself I was all - MY BABY IS STARTING SCHOOL I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PACK A LUNCH!

That one gave me a lot of anxiety for some reason.  Packing a lunch.  I've never really had to do that before.  Suddenly I was all - Oh my gosh, what does she even eat?  Does she even like food?  Do other moms pack cookies?  Should I only pack her cookies to make sure she eats?  Does she know how to peel an orange?  WHO IS THIS GIRL?

And then I had one sip of wine (just one!  everyone is fine!) and calmed myself, and packed a god damn normal lunch.  Yogurt, sandy, grapes, crackers, cookie.  Bam.  The lunch I wished my mom would have packed me.  In my memory we only got cardboard.

And I'm right to have had a little anxiety.  Lots of my friends' kids cry and don't want to be left at first.  I very clearly remember my sister having to cling to my mom for about fifteen minutes before she'd allow her to leave.  So that's sort of what I was expecting.  A few tears.  A look of concern at least.

Instead, she put her lunch in her cubby, and immediately sat down and started gluing things.  I hung around for a few minutes just watching, waiting for the breakdown, nodding at the teachers like, "It's ok, I'm her mom.  She's going to need me in a few."

But she never did.  I sort of realized it was just me and a few other nervous moms hovering around our totally independent kids, so I said goodbye, gave her a kiss and left.

Left to go look at her through the window like a creeper.

Then I pried myself away, got Tula in the car and proceeded to cry my eyes out.

Not because I was sad, or scared, or afraid for her, but because it just seemed like such a huge milestone, this whole school thing.  Like, she's not a tiny kid anymore.  She's an actual kid.  And I love it, but I just can't believe it.

30 seconds after she got into her room.

Ready to do this stuff!

Second day.  Still happy about it!  And I didn't cry this time!

Today was her second day and it went a lot easier (for me).  And she was just as happy to go.  Well, she got a little weepy about it this morning, but then I told her she could have ice cream after school she was suddenly totally excited about it.  Maybe bribes aren't how you're supposed to get kids to school, but in this house, that's what we do. 

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