Friday, August 15, 2014

Three Years Old

Three years ago today I gave birth to this teeny, tiny, gorgeous, skinny little baby who changed my life for the incredible!

You might not know us well enough to know this, but this was one of the best days we've ever had in our entire lives.  Those smiles are beams. This is about two hours after she was born and I could not stop smiling and hugging everyone and saying thank you to people passing by, because I mean, the joy. . . there's so much thanks to be given.  And gratefulness.  And happiness.  And sickly sweet everything.


So, anyway.  Today is Adeline's birthday, and just when you think things could not get cuter or better, they do, and just when you think you couldn't love them anymore, you do.  

Yes, sometimes you also want to sell them on the black market because they're literally making you pull your hair out and are pretty sure now you'll never get out of therapy, but is it worth it?  Yes.  

Because of morning and smiling faces like this:

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