Thursday, October 24, 2013


I've decided until my children are out of the house I should just give up.  I really want to be productive when they're asleep but it's the only time I have alone and lately this is how it works:

"Babies are asleep I should reorganize my closet." Looks at pants. Looks at pants really hard.  

"Ooh, is that a bag of skittles in my sweat pants I hid from Addie last week?" It totally is.  Decide this is a sign from God I should take a moment and eat the Skittles while watching an episode of The Walking Dead.

Two Weeks later, the Skittle are gone, and I've totally caught up with the zombies and am now prepared to stab Josh in the head with a shiv if he dies so he won't turn.  Because I love him.  And now I define affection based on who I think wouldn't hesitate to cut off my leg if I got bit so the virus wouldn't spread. Also, I don't sleep.  Because I'm scared all the time.

Another nap time comes around.

"I should really finish reorganizing my closet." Do not care that only looked at pants last time, as the effort of actually going into the closet with the intent to do something is good energy into the universe, and good energy means good karma, and karma comes back to you, so probably closet will organize itself at some point. Mission Accomplished!  Obviously, should reward myself with more Skittles and some Downton Abbey.

Two weeks later, my closet is still unorganized, and I'm pretty sure I have two cavities.

One day I will be productive!  It will happen!

As long as TV is done and they run out of Skittles.  And books.  And needlepoint.  And pencils and paper.  And I lose all pictures of my teeny tiny babies.  And all pictures of my cat.  And the dog.  And I can't bake anymore because ovens are extinct.  Then!  Maybe then, I will be able to do productive things like reorganize my closet.

Or maybe not.

I just wanna eat their faces off.

 Hahaha the look Tula is giving Addie!  
"Gurrrrl!  You crazy!"

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