Thursday, March 28, 2013

32 Weeks!

I haven't been very good about taking belly pictures, mainly because time is flying by.  I still feel like we have months and months left and then I'll realize I'm 32 weeks preggo now which means I only have 7 weeks and 2 days left!!!  And if this little lady is early like Adeline, I only have about 5 weeks left.


THAT'S SO SOON!  I don't even have my wine rack stocked yet for my post-baby celebratory drinks every night!

And at the same time it seems so soon, it also seems like ages away!  I'm not sleeping because there's a  circus in my belly all night, I pee all the time, and I have so much pressure on my vajage I'm pretty sure it's gonna fall off in a few days.  Which might make birth a lot easier.  And weirder.  Despite what Adeline thinks, I tend to like having a vagina.

Anyway, what was I saying?  Oh, yeah, belly pictures!  So, this pic is going to have to suffice for the 32 week picture.  I'm gigantic.

Apparently riding the dog is FROWNED UPON in this establishment!

Oh my gosh, also we go to story time at the library every weeks and sing the same songs over and over and all of a sudden yesterday Addie started singing along at home AND doing the motions to this song! 

 Kids are awesome.

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