Friday, October 26, 2012

Fourteen Months Old And Counting

Ugh, I'm sorry about my lack of posting.  My computer exploded and then all of the internet went out in Montana, and then a raven flew into the house and nested in the corner of my bedroom and every night I tried to write a blog it would scream, "Nevermore" so I couldn't write anything.

Ok, none of that happened, but how creepy would the raven thing be?

Truth is I've been sick and Adeline has been busy being a teenager.  Girlfriend is SO BIG all of a sudden!


Hi Mom, can I borrow the car?

I mean, look at that sweater.  Eat-her-face-off cute.

Every day she does something new and I think, "I have to write that down so I'll remember it!" and then I fall asleep watching Friends and remember nothing.  But for a quick list, here are the new things she's doing:

1. Talking!  Well, sort of.  She says Bob (the dog's name), and ball (the dog's toy), and bottle (her favorite thing although it has nothing to do with the dog), and pumpkin.  To the lay person they probably all sound like "Ba!"  But I know the difference!  She has no interest in saying mom or dad.  None at all.  Why would she when all she has to do is grunt at us and we pick her up?  Names are for special things.

Oh, and her Montana Grandma taught her to say, "No, no, no" while shaking her finger at something.  It's super cute until she starts doing it at us.

2. She eats apples whole.  Like a real human.

Don't you dare cut up my apple Mama, or I'll cut you up.

3.  She thinks its hysterical to lift up our shirts and poke our bellies.  Especially in public.  The people of Target are probably sick of me exposing myself in the grocery aisle.

4. She also thinks its hysterical to look down my shirt, find my nipple (it takes a while), and poke and/or squeeze it.  I try to stay cool about it and say, "Yes that's mommy's nipple." But then she tries to repeat the word, which she can't quite do yet and instead just sort of flicks her tongue in and out of her mouth really fast  like she's saying the "-pple" part of nipple over and over again, but silently.  And then I lose it.

5. She wants to climb on everything.  Like, everything.

I climb on this very movable toy?  A toy with wheels on a hardwood floor?

No, no you can't climb on that Adeline.

But look now I'm riding it Mama!  I got up here all by myself!

Get down.



Yes, I risked her safety to take pictures of it.  I'm not ashamed. 

6. I've been eating a lot of Burger King.

That has nothing to do with Adeline, I just thought you should know.

7. She has started caring about what she's wearing.  At least on her feet.  I'll have to get a better picture of them, but she is obsessed with these pink sparkly shoes.  She wants them on all the time, and then runs around the house smiling like crazy because they make noise.  That's how I feel when I wear heels once a decade.

8. She's working on her first novel.

It's set in Paris, and it is breathtaking.

Oh, and it's snowing here!  I hear in the rest of the world it's still 80 degrees and to that I say yeah, but we have snowmen and hot cocoa and I'm about the hit the watch-The-Family-Stone-movie-every-day-and-cry-every-time-but-continue-to-repeatedly-watch-it-because-it-feels-so-homey-and-Christmasy-and-I-like-crying-during-the-holidays phase of my year.  Don't be jealous.

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