Friday, September 13, 2013

California Love

If you didn't sing that title in an auto-tune, Tupac voice in your head, I'm not sure if we can still be friends.

Ok, so one of my favorite moments from my trip home was not the half hour screaming meltdown Addie threw because we WALKED AROUND THE BLOCK THE WRONG DIRECTION.  Oh the horror! Sometimes her life is really shitty people.  Clockwise?  Clockwise?!  What was I thinking! I'm pretty sure she petitioned to have my mother card taken away from me that night.

But no, that was not my favorite.  One of my favorite moments was when my good friend Katie came to visit with Gina, and their two little ones.

Hi Katie!
Hey Isabella, what's going on with your hand there? Did you just high five yourself in the face?

She's fine! And so cute it's borderline illegal.

Anyway, they came, and we were talking about potty training, I was saying how Addie is doing pretty well, and Katie was saying how Isabella says she has to go then throws a huge tantrum once you get her on the potty - normal mom-convo stuff - and then Addie actually demonstrated and went and used the potty!  

Yay for not peeing on Auntie's couch!  

But then Isabella said, "Bella go potty." to which Katie stood up, pointed her finger in her daughter's face, and yelled, "BULLSHIT!"

Oh my god, I'm still laughing.

For the record, Isabella just smiled and went back to pushing Addie's toys around. Kids are great.

Oh, and in case you noticed up there, while I was home I went ahead and chopped off all my hair. Just a fun little surprise for my baby daddy.  Guys love it when you majorly change your appearance right?

Here's a side view.  And a sleeping baby.  If I could fit her in my mouth, I WOULD PUT HER THERE AND CHEW HER UP.

The good news is he did like it.  And I love it.  Of course the bad news is, I have curly hair, so to have my hair look like this I have to straighten all these tiny little pieces.  It's more work than doing a mosaic of George Clooney with bottle caps. And if I wear it curly I look like a lesbian from the 90's.  I know you're picturing it in your head right now.  You know what I mean.

More on our trip tomorrow.  For now, here are some photos.

The girl loves bath time.  She's fantastic.


Leah, Addie, and Penelope.  I mean.  Shut your face.  This picture kills me.  Cousins are the best.

  Loving when her sister naps and we can spend time just the two of us. It's like we're on a secret date.  It's bonding time, even if it means she sits and reads me stories while I fold laundry. Sometimes I miss her so much during the day, even though she's with me it's so hard to give her any individual attention, so I frequently want to wake her up at midnight and bring her to bed with me to cuddle.  But then I remember she's 2 parts cuddly, 8 parts hitting you in the face for fun and I decide to just wait until the next time her sister is asleep to cuddle with her so I can at least defend myself.

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