Thursday, December 13, 2012

Snow Days

I know I've said this before, but driving in the snow is the scariest thing in the world to me.

Lucky for me it snows here nine months a year.

Even luckier, my car is not a Jetson car.

I hope you're picking up on my sarcasm here, because I'm laying it on pretty thick.

Anyway, it snowed buckets yesterday.  And I drove a lot.  And everything was totally cool.  Until two cars hit a school bus right in front of me.  Everyone was ok, the hit in such slow motion it was more like a nudge, but it still scared the crap out of me.

I guess I can't complain, LA drivers are way worse in totally perfect conditions than Bozeman drivers in apocalypse-type conditions on a daily basis. Conclusion: Everyone in California is stoned at all times.

(according to my faux-father-in-law anyway)

Bonus conclusion: I've lived in Bozeman long enough now to know there are probably more stoned people here per capita than there are in LA.

Double bonus conclusion: Most people here are super friendly.

Triple bonus conclusion: I love Reese's peanut butter christmas trees.  That has nothing to do with it, except that I'm pregnant and hungry.

17 weeks!  

Why's it so pointy?  It's like I'm gonna give birth to a spaceship.

The really good thing about all the snow yesterday is that this morning was GORGEOUS.  I mean, just ding-dong beautiful.  

Unfortunately, it was too cold for me to get really good shots this morning, but here's a small example of what it was like at the park a block from our house.

Adeline's in that stroller fogging it up and chatting to herself about snow and balls.  Not snowballs.  Two separate thing.  She's very specific.

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