Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Morning Sickness

I didn't write about my first trimester last time because I started the blog well into my second trimester and didn't like to recall such things.

This time around was no different, however, I feel like I need to address it a little to let others know they're not alone.  Also, as my sister puts it, to warn others.  "Warn" is a harsh word, Becky is very dramatic.  Although Josh did say the first trimester this time was "horrible" and that he was "miserable" and "never wanted to do this again".  And then we broke up because I was throwing too many pots and pans at his head due to the fact that I was actually the one going through all the sickness not him.

Kidding.  We did not break up.  But, to be fair we could have.  What with all the pots and pans throwing and all.

Not everyone gets morning/all day sickness, and those people are very lucky.  I was not so lucky.  Right about five and a half weeks it hit, and it hit me with a sledgehammer.  Nausea and exhaustion so bad I could barely eat anything, which is the horrible part of it because you need to eat so you're not so sick but you can't eat because you're so sick and suddenly you're puking in your car on the way home from swim class in the McDonald's drive-thru.

Luckily a prescription for Zofran took the edge off for a little while, but even then after a few weeks it didn't really work and I was back to puking in my car in various drive-thru's.

And then, just when I thought I wasn't going to make it, and Josh thought he wasn't going to make it (because honestly, dealing with a puking lunatic for two months isn't so fun), the clouds parted and the placenta took over the hormone making, and TA-DA!  NORMAL HUMAN AGAIN!

And now I'm starting to forget those months (joys of pregnancy brain) and suddenly I start thinking, "Hey that wasn't so bad!  We should definitely have a third!  And a fourth!  AND SEVEN HUNDRED MORE BABIES!"

Which is why I'm writing this.  To remind myself it wasn't all daisies and popcorn, it was pretty sucky in the beginning.   But that doesn't mean it isn't all worth it.  Because it is.

Oh my gosh it so is.

Worth it.

Worth it.

Even worth it in a hammock.

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