Friday, September 19, 2014

Turns Out We're Having Two. . .


Can you imagine?

Ok, just kidding.  We had our big 20 week ultrasound last week and found out we're having. . .

Drum roll please. . .

Man, this weather is weird.

And my hair.  It's so awkward right now.

But, we're having - TWO BOYS!



Never in a million years did I think I would be having two boys.  Like, mathematically it's possible, I get it, but I didn't believe it.  I was pretty convinced it was a boy and a girl.  We knew for sure Baby B was a boy, and I was 99% sure Baby A was a girl so when the ultrasound lady started with Baby A and about three seconds in was like, "Ok, Baby A is a boy," I sat up and screamed, "WHAT!?  YOU MEAN B.  BABY B IS A BOY."

And she was all, lay down and chillax.

So, I did.  For about three seconds and then I was like, "ARE YOU SURE!?"

And Josh was all, "You're yelling."

And she was all, "Yes I'm sure, here it is."

Baby boy A!

And yeah.  That was hard to mistake for a girl.  

And then she went to check Baby B, and sure enough. . .

Baby boy B!

Two boys.  Holy mother loving cow.

I had been so nervous all day about everything - making sure they were ok, scared something bad was going to show up, you know the usual worry when you're growing to lives inside of you and you don't know if they're going to come out with alligator skin and a tail or not - so, when I got the boy news it was like this crazy release of adrenaline and I started involuntarily shaking and breathing so hard Josh was visibly scared for me.  He kept whispering for me to take deep breaths and put his hand on my shoulder to hold me steady.  And I had to lay there shaking like that for almost two hours.  Fun!  Then right at the end, when I was sure they each only had one head, I started to relax and the adrenaline wore off and I fell asleep while she was still checking things out because I was so exhausted from being so crazy.

You know, a normal Thursday.

But we are so excited, if not still a little shell shocked.  And it was so amazing to see the two babies in there together.  They were almost playing with each other, punching into the other one's sac, kicking at the same time.  Every time one of them moved the other one would shift so they were in the same position, it was so cute and crazy it felt like I was watching something fake.  

Because I'm still baffled every day.  Like, I won't believe it 'til I see it.

Two babies.

At once.

And they're both boys.

Well, way to turn my world upside down.

Baby A profile.  Hi tiny cute thing!

Baby A's foot.  Surrounded by a bunch of Halloween decorations it looks like.

Baby B profile.  And maybe a little wave.


Baby B's crossed feet.  'Cause he's a gentleman.

Oh my gosh, I can't wait.

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