Sunday, May 12, 2013

39 Weeks!

Whoo hoo! And the book tells me the baby is the size of a watermelon.  I think at this point that's pretty obvious.

Here I am being really excited about it.  39 weeks rocks.

Here I am the next day remembering that I was wearing my sister's shirt in the other picture. A shirt I (accidentally) stole last time I was in California and she's probably gonna be slightly pissed I'm wearing it 39 weeks pregnant.  That shit was not supposed to be so stretchy.  Love you Becky! Thanks for the tiger shirt!  RAWR

At this point things are weird because a) I'm so hungry I'm eating more than the father of my children, which is quite a feat.  This is a man who when we order a pizza will take out two pieces for me and then he will eat ten.  TEN. And then have three ice cream bars while we watch David Tutera's wedding show on E!

And b) because everyone wants to know if I think it's happening.  Like right now!  Any time I call my mom, or sister, or friends, or the Chinese take-out place they all answer, "Are you in labor?" Chances are if I'm in labor I'm not gonna respond to your 'Hello?' with "Hey, what's up?" I'm more likely to respond with, "Graahhhglssslkdfjasdfj contractions alskdjfoweija;s having baby ghalskdjf going to the jliasdh fucking hospital!"  (except I don't cuss when I'm in labor (it's the only time I remember to be polite apparently) I can't control myself in front of my toddler, but a staff of people LITERALLY stretching out my perineum - them I find myself being ladylike with)

But I totally understand all the asking.  I would be asking too.  I did do it, to all of my friends an family that were close to their due date - because it's exciting!  And people wanna meet the baby, and that's so nice.  And it's so wonderful that this little lady is so loved already, she's a lucky little girl.

She won't like being called Baby #2 when she's in High School, but naming kids is hard yo!

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