Sunday, December 14, 2014

Warning! Graphic Photos!

This is for all the people who tell me I don't look like I'm carrying twins.  It's also for all those who say they want twins.  Do you?  DO YOU REALLY?  I have so many stretch marks you could play matchbox cars race track on my belly for hours.

But that's good, because that means the boys are big.  As of Friday they were both close to 5.5 lbs.  THAT'S A LOT OF BABY UP IN HERE.  And based on the way I'm eating they're just gonna keep getting bigger, which is fantastic.  (Four waffles, eggs, and bacon for lunch, and I could have kept going) Oh, and Tula thinks my belly is a play area.  Poor girl is not even going to recognize me after these little guys come out.  She constantly runs up to me and rest her head on my belly, like it's her own weird water bed and says, "Mama, nigh nigh."  UGH! I want to eat her face off!

Me, Tula and the boys.

Tula trying to scale the mountain.

Meanwhile, we are in the middle of a snow storm and Addie and Tula worked VERY hard on a snowman that just sort of looked like a mountain.  

Also, Tula's dolls go everywhere now.

Keeping her poor doll warm.  Someone get that girl some pants!

Sled ride around the neighborhood!  Somehow Tula wound up the big spoon.  Addie is thrilled.

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